Saturday, January 19, 2008


One of the reasons I don't post all that often is because I feel like I don't have that much going on, and not much to say.

So, here's an event: I got a concussion at school yesterday. A child in my class and I both leaned over to look at a sink that appeared to be leaking and he stood up before me. Wham! The back of his head slammed into my head right above my right temple. I had a headache, then started to feel lightheaded and see stars a bit, so Joe came to get me and off to the doctor we went.

I have a head contusion and a mild concussion. I'm supposed to take it easy and go to the ER if any of the symptoms get worse or new ones appear. He gave me some strong medicine for the headache, which seemed to work last night while I slept, though it made me a little restless.

Joe has the weekend off, and he's taking the best care of me. I feel slovenly and lazy as all get out, but I think today will be better. I feel more like myself today. So far, we've had two weekends like this, where I'm out of it and Joe has to take care of me. (I got an awful stomach bug 2 weeks after we got married.) I talked to him last night about when I'll get to take care of him, and he said he'll get sick eventually. :)

Anyway, that's what's going on here. Crazy that this happened because a two-year-old and I bonked heads. Oh, and the little boy seemed to be fine. That's the update for now.


betsyann said...

Wow! That's crazy. I hope you feel better soon. And I'm glad Joe's taking care of you. He doesn't need to be in any hurry to be sick though, I'm sure he'd rather take care of you than feel bad himself.

Jenny said...

It's reverse abuse - the child against the grown-up! Aren't they always saying a child can't actually get a concussion just from "bumping her head" or "falling down" - that it's just a cover-up for abuse? So, this is a pretty exotic story.. What really happened? Has this child been terrorizing you for long?

Seriously, though, I hope you feel better soon! I'm glad you have Joe to take care of you. Maybe he can have a talk with this abusive child.