Thursday, January 08, 2009

If You Would...

For those of you who we saw over the holidays, you know that I was having some abdominal pain. It's still there, and it is in my lower back, as well. I've been to the doctor, had some tests run, and have some ultrasounds scheduled for next week. The doctor thinks it's one of about 5 things: ovarian cysts, kidney stones, gall stones, scar tissue, or endometriosis. None are too serious, except for endometriosis, which can be, but isn't always. A remote possibility is appendix pain, but I'm not feverish or vomiting and my white count is normal. Scar tissue and endometriosis can only be definitely diagnosed by exploratory surgery, while the other things can be diagnosed by ultrasound and other tests.

If you would, please pray that we figure out what is causing this pain. It is interfering with my ability to do everything, including work, and I just want to know what is going on. This is the third time in a little over a year that I've had serious abdominal pain, and not only is it frustrating, it is a little scary, as well. (Just so you know, the doctor did say she is not concerned about cancer, because that would have shown up on the CT scan they did this past summer; however, I'm still a little scared.) I pray everyday that I'll be diagnosed correctly and that I'll trust God, no matter what.



betsyann said...

Thanks for clarifying about the cancer, you know I would have gone there in an instant.

Praying commenced.

Trinket said...

You're welcome. And thanks. :D

In the Mix said...

Praying for you and hoping they figure out what's going on soon.

Trinket said...

Thank you so much!

linda jean said...

I'll be praying for you and for the doctors. Take care.

dbilberry said...

Praying for you girl!

Trinket said...

Thanks, ladies!

Linda McKenzie said...

I'll definitely be praying for you! I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Let me know if I can do anything for you!